Mar 2018 Rapport införande av SOS riktlinjer i cancervården 171121.

Socialstyrelsen har beskrivit sex kvalitetsområden som ska utgöra en vägledning för kvalitet och patientsäkerhet i hälso- och sjukvården (1-2). Patienter förväntar sig att få en god vård och att denna vård finns lätt tillgänglig. Områdena har alla koppling till och krav i befintliga lagar.
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Jul  2010 Patient Access to Cancer Treatment in Turkey.

In this study, patient access to cancer treatment in Turkey is assessed. The development of new cancer therapies has improved the survival and quality of life of cancer patients. However, the outcomes of cancer treatment are lower in Turkey than in the European countries included in our analysis. Cancer patients in Turkey have a limited access to the newest drug therapies in comparison to European countries. This study analyses factors behind the limited access to new cancer drugs in Turkey.
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Mar 2010 A Survey of Barriers to Treatment Access in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Recently, the report A Survey of Barriers to Treatment Access in Rheumatoid Arthritis in Europe, was published. Following the same methodology, this current study evaluated the factors that influence the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in three major Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil and Mexico), with the purpose of identifying potential barriers to treatment access in Latin America.

Structured desk research was consolidated by a number of semi-structured, qualitative telephone interviews with senior treating physicians and patient representatives in each country to examine how closely each phase of the treatment pathway – diagnosis, treatment and monitoring – followed best-practice recommendations by the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR).
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Summary - Argentina - Brazil - Mexico


Oct 2009 A Survey of Barriers to Treatment Access in Rheumatoid Arthritis - October 2009.
The objective of this report was to evaluate factors that infuence the diagnosis and treatment 
of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in five countries (France, Italy, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom) 
in order to identify potential barriers to treatment access in Europe. Structured desk research was 
consolidated by a number of semi-structured, qualitative telephone interviews with senior treating 
physicians and patient representatives in each country to examine how closely each phase of the 
treatment pathway – diagnosis, treatment and monitoring – followed best-practice recommendations 
by the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR).
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Summary - France - Italy - Spain - Germany - United Kingdom


Oct 2009 Access to MS treatments - October 2009.
MS is an inflammatory and neurodegenerative immuno-mediated disorder of the
central nervous system, characterized by inflammation, demyelination and primary or
secondary axonal degeneration. Clinical manifestations are signs of neurological
dysfunctions, e.g. visual and sensory disturbances, limb weakness, gait problems and
bladder and bowel symptoms, followed by recovery or by an increasing disability
because of irreversible functional disability over time. There are less specific
symptoms such as fatigue which interfere both with patients’ quality of life and
productivity, regardless of the degree of disability and disease status.
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Oct 2009 A review of breast cancer care and outcomes 26 Oct 2009.
This report aims to give an overview of the burden and cost of breast cancer and of breast cancer care
and outcomes in 18 countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. The primary objective is to present and
discuss current evidence-based best practices in breast cancer management and what is necessary for the
evaluation of treatment practices and development of optimal breast cancer care in relation to available
resources in different settings. The study is based on a review of literature and databases, consultation
with clinical experts and a survey administered to previous and current breast cancer patients.
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Oct 2009 Access to innovative treatments in Rheumatoid Arthritis in Europe.
A recent series of publications investigated the burden of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
and the access to biologic treatments during the first years of their availability in
Europe and a number of non-European countries. The current work is a continuation
of the earlier study, with the objective to present new data and expand the discussion
on issues regarding access, costs and value created by biologic treatments.
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May 2009 Access to oncology drugs in France, Germany, Great Britain (GB), Italy and Spain.
A comparison based on sales years 1998-2008.
Nils Wilking and Bengt Jönsson
Abstract 6525, ASCO, 2009.
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Feb 2009 Comparator Report on Patient Access to Cancer Drugs in Europe February 15, 2009

This chapter presents different aspects of the burden of cancer to society in terms of incidence, mortality, as well as direct and indirect costs associated with cancer. The 28 countries covered in this study are 25 of the 27 EU member states (excluding Cyprus and Malta) and the three non EU member states, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
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Jan 2009 Cancer report EFPIA Final summary slides Jan 27

The presentation is based on three reports.
2005 A pan-European comparison regarding patient access to cancer drugs
2007 A global comparison regarding patient access to cancer drugs
2009 Comparator Report on Patient Access to Cancer Drugs in Europe.
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Sep 2008 Middle East oncology drug uptake Final report Sept 15 2008

This study presents and compares the introduction of and access to new innovative cancer drug therapies in nine countries in the Middle East: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (note: when “Middle East” is mentioned this only accounts for the nine countries include in this report). The uptake of new cancer drugs in these countries is compared to the uptake in the US, the UK, France and a group of 13 European countries that together constitute the majority of the European pharmaceutical market. The objective is to give an overview of oncology drug access in the nine Middle East countries, and discuss differences in the availability of new cancer drugs to patients and causes of the observed variations between countries.
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July 2008
Benchmarking report of lung cancer care in selected European Countries, Australia, Brazil, 
Japan, Mexico and New Zealand
Cancer causes the second highest number of deaths in Europe after cardiovascular disease. In Europe 
it is estimated that almost 3.2 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2006 and, in the same year, 
1.7 million people died as a result. With an ageing population the incidence and mortality from cancer is 
predicted to increase in the future.
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May 2008 Benchmarking report of lung cancer care in selected European Countries

Cancer causes the second highest number of deaths in Europe after cardiovascular disease. In Europe it is estimated that almost 3.2 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2006 and, in the same year, 1.7 million people died as a result. With an ageing population the incidence and mortality from cancer is predicted to increase in the future.
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